Saturday, March 14, 2015

God blesses us with gifts, to glorify His name and not ours

Today´s Biblical Message

Like good servants of the manifold grace of God,

  serve one another with whatever gifts each of you

  has received.


God has given you and me gifts to help

  each other, but they are to glorify His

  Name, and not ours.

  David and Lucy Aguilar

May you and your loved ones have a safe and a very blessed weekend!

Necesitamos el amor de Jesucristo para poder amar y perdonar

El mensaje biblico para el dia de hoy

MΓ‘s bien, sean bondadosos y compasivos unos con otros, y perdΓ³nense mutuamente, asΓ­ como Dios

los perdonΓ³ a ustedes en Cristo.

  Efecios 4:32 NVI

No podremos comprender el verdadero significado de saber amar y

  perdonar a los demas, hasta que no recibamos el amor de Jesucristo

  en nuestras vidas.

  David y Lucy Aguilar

Que ustedes y sus seres queridos, tengan un dia lleno de bendiciones.

Friday, March 13, 2015

We need humility if we want joy for our lives!

Today's reflection

Arrogance brings nothing but misery and emptiness to our lives, while

 humility brings the true joy and fulfilment we all need!

 David and Lucy Aguilar

Necesitamos humildad para ser felices

La reflexion para este dia

La humildad llena nuestras vidas de alegria y satisfaccion, mientras

 que la arrogancia nos trae miseria y vacio.

 David y Lucy Aguilar

Only through Jesus Christ we can forgive one another!

Today's Biblical Message

Be kind to one another,... forgiving one another.
                         Ephesians 4:32
                     We won't know the true meaning of kindness and forgiveness, 
                       until we experience the love of Jesus in our lives. For is not
                         with us; but through Him alone that all things are possible,
                                  even to forgive one another!
                    David and Lucy Aguilar

May you and your loved ones have a safe and a very blessed day!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Usa la inteligencia y no tomes ventaja de los demas

La reflexion para este dia

Se inteligente y no tomes ventaja de los demas; porque

  tarde o temprano, habra consequencias.

  David y Lucy Aguilar

Be honest with yourself and with others

Today's reflection
It's not wise to take advantage of others, for
sooner or later there will be consequences.
David and Lucy Aguilar