Monday, June 15, 2015

Only through Jesus Christ we could have true peace and joy!

Today's reflection

It is not through the materials of this world, but
through Jesus Christ; that we can all receive
the true joy and peace our lives need!
  David and Lucy Aguilar

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Playing with others feelings will have it's consequences

Playing games with others feelings will have it's consequences, for at the end of the game, it is us who will end up being hurting the most.
David Aguilar

Saturday, June 13, 2015

La voluntad de Dios nos da la sabiduria para prosperar!

La reflexion para este dia

Una vez que dejemos que la voluntad de Dios
 se manifieste en nuestras vidas; lograremos
  obtener nuestras metas.
David y Lucy Aguilar

Tenemos la victoria segura, pero solamente si confiamos en el poder de Jesucristo!

El mensaje biblico para el dia de hoy

El Señor está conmigo, y no tengo miedo;
¿qué me puede hacer un simple *mortal?
Salmo 118:6 NVI

No le temas a nadien, y deja que sea Jesucristo
 quien pelee tus batallas; y obtendras una Victoria
 David y Lucy Aguilar

Que ustedes y sus seres queridos, tengan un fin de semana lleno de muchas bendiciones!

Success will come to our lives, but only if we surrender to God's will!

Today's reflection

Our lives can not be successful unless
we surrender to God's will.
David and Lucy Aguilar

Jesus Christ will assure us victory, but only if we put our trust in Him!

Today's Biblical Message

The LORD is with me, I will not be


what can anyone do to me?

Psalm 118: 6

There is no one to fear if you make God your

  defender, for He will make sure to give you

       victory through His Son Jesus Christ!

David and Lucy Aguilar

May you and your loved ones have a safe, and a very blessed Weekend!

Friday, June 12, 2015

La clave para servirle a Dios y los demas es disponabilidad!

La reflexion para este dia

Conoceremos el verdadero significado de servirle a Dios, una
vez que aprendamos a tomar el tiempo que necesitamos para
servirle a los demas.
David y Lucy Aguilar