Tuesday, September 29, 2015

To fear God is wise, to fear humans is foolish

Today's Biblical Message

Do not be afraid of those who kill
the body but can do nothing more
after that.
LUKE 12:4

To fear human beings is foolish, to
fear God is wise. For no one, but
God alone is in control of our lives!
David and Lucy Aguilar

May you and your loved ones have a safe and a very blessed day!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Jesus es la Verdad!

La reflexion para este dia

La unica Verdad que en realidad existe, viene solamente
por medio de Jesucristo y no de este mundo. Pues es una
realidad que todos mentimos, Pero El no!
   David y Elizabeth Aguilar

Jesus Christ the only Truth! In heaven and earth

Today's reflection

Real Truth can only come through Jesus Christ and
not from this world. For we all lie, but He doesn't!
David and Elizabeth Aguilar

Sin Jesucristo en nuestras vidas, nuestras oraciones no tienen poder!

El mensaje biblico para el dia de hoy

Porque hay un solo Dios, y un solo mediador,
entre Dios y los hombres, Jesucristo hombre.
1a TIMOTEO 2:5

Sin la Presencia de Jesucristo en nuestras vidas,
nuestras oraciones no tienen poder. Pues El es
el unico camino para llegar a Dios!
David y Lucy Aguilar

Que ustedes y sus seres queridos, tengan un lunes lleno de
muchas bendiciones!

There is no other way to get to God, but through Jesus Christ!

Today's Biblical Message

For there is one God, and there is one
who brings God and human beings to-
gether, the man Christ Jesus.

Our prayer life will not have power unless is done
in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ. For He is the
only way to get to our heavenly Father!
David and Lucy Aguilar

May you and your loved ones have a safe and a very blessed

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Dios es perfecto, y no coincidencia!

La reflexion para este dia

Nada pasa por accidente o coincidencia!
Simplemente, por que todo pasa de
acuerdo a la perfecta voluntad de Dios.
David Aguilar Jr.

Everything happes for a reason, and not by accident!

Today's reflection

Nothing happens by accident or coincidence, simply
because everything happens by the perfect will of
  David Aguilar Jr.