Friday, November 6, 2015

God is bigger than all your enemies

Today's Biblical Message

But even if you should suffer for
doing what is right, how happy you
are! Do not be afraid of anyone, and
do not worry.
1 PETER 3:14

If God is with you, there is absolutely nothing for you
to fear! For His power is bigger than all your
David and Lucy Aguilar

May you and your loved ones have a safe and a very blessed day!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

We need to get rid of all negativity!


Success will come to our lives,
 once we get rid of all negativity,
and allow positive thinking come
   into our minds!
David Aguilar Jr.


Dios nos a regalado la vida para que la vivamos con sabiduria!

La reflexion para este dia

La vida es un regalo de Dios, no
para desperdiciarla, sino para
vivirla con sabiduria!
David y Lucy Aguilar

Life is truly a gift from God!

Today's reflection

Life is a gift from God not to be wasted, but
to be used wisely!
David and Lucy Aguilar

Las promesas de Dios nunca fallan, por que El es un Dios perfecto!

El mensaje biblico para el dia de hoy

Por mi parte, yo estoy a punto de ir por el camino que todo mortal transita. Ustedes bien saben que ninguna de las buenas promesas del SeΓ±or su Dios ha dejado de cumplirse al pie de la letra. Todas se han hecho realidad, pues Γ©l no ha faltado a ninguna de ellas.
Josue 23:14 NVI

Nuestras promesas a otros pueden fallar, pero no
las promesas de Dios. Pues tenemos un Dios
que es perfecto, y sabe exactamente que es
lo que necesitamos!
David y Lucy Aguilar

Que ustedes y sus seres queridos, tengan un dia lleno de muchas bendiciones!

God's promises are perfect!

Today's Biblical Message

Not one of all the good promises the
LORD your God gave you has failed.
Every promise has been fulfilled.
  Joshua 23:14 NIV

Our promises can fail, but not God's
promises, For He is a perfect God that
knows exactly what we need!
David and Lucy Aguilar

May you and your loved ones have a safe and a very blessed day!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

God is the only one that knows and sees everything!


We may think that we can get away
by being selfish, but is not true. For
  God sees everything we do, and
  sooner or later we will pay for it!
David Aguilar Jr.