Friday, December 25, 2015

Jesus Christ our Savior!

Today's Biblical Message
Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.
Luke 2:11 NIV
Because of Jesus Christ birth we have all been blessed
    with His precious gift of salvation!
David and Lucy Aguilar

May you and your loved ones have a very Merry Christmas day!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Jesucristo nuestro Principe de la paz!

La reflexion para este dia

Podremos tener mucho dinero, fama, y poder, pero
no paz. Pues la paz verdadera no se compra, es un
regalo de Dios por medio de su Hijo Jesucristo!
  David y Lucy Aguilar

Peace is a gift of God through His Son Jesus Christ!

Today's reflection

We can have lots of money, fame, and power, but no
peace. For peace can only be given by God through His
  Son Jesus Christ!
  David and Lucy Aguilar

La luz de Jesucristo tiene el poder para vencer la oscuridad del mal

El mensaje biblico para el dia de hoy

gracias a la entrañable misericordia de nuestro Dios.
Así nos visitará desde el cielo el sol naciente,
para dar luz a los que viven en tinieblas,
     en la más terrible oscuridad,
para guiar nuestros pasos por la senda de la paz.»
Lucas 1: 78-79

Solamente por medio de nuestro Senor Jesucristo,
nuestras vidas podran recibir la luz que tanto
necesitamos, para poder vivir en paz!
David y Lucy Aguilar

Humildemente de parte de la familia Aguilar, les deceamos a
ustedes y sus seres queridos, una muy Feliz Navidad!

Jesus Christ the reason for the season!

Today's Biblical Message

The dayspring from on high has visited us; To give
light to those who sit in darkness,... To guide our feet
into the way of peace.
LUKE 1:78-79 NKJV

There is only one way our lives will shine with
true peace and light, and that is only through
Jesus Christ!
David and Lucy Aguilar

From the Aguilar family, wishing you and your loved ones a
very Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

It is better to give than to receive!

Share  His   Love

  "It is more blessed to give than to receive."

                          ACTS 20:35

Christmas has become a time of receiving

 to the point where greed motivates more

people than blessing. But Paul remind us

that getting what we want is not the greatest

 blessing. We know that when we see the

delight in a child's eyes at receiving a longed

 for item. Our heavenly Father loves us to see

 the same joy in our eyes, when He helps us

in less tangible ways. That's why He tells us

      to share His love with others.


              Christmas should be a season of joy and peace, and

                not of stress. Most importantly should be a season

             where our concerns are not about receiving, but giving!


May you and your loved ones have a very Merry Christmas!

Dios sabe exactamente lo que necesitamos!


No lo que yo quiero para mi vida, pero
 lo que Dios quiere para mi, es
   exactamente lo que necesito!
David Aguilar Jr.