Monday, January 18, 2016

Necesitamos pensar con sabiduria antes de decir algo!

El mensaje biblico para el dia de hoy

El que refrena su lengua protege su vida,
pero el ligero de labios provoca su ruina.
Proverbios 13:3 NVI

Necesitamos pensar dos veces! Antes de
decir algo del cual nos vamos a lamentar
 David y Lucy Aguilar

Que ustedes y sus seres queridos, tengan un lunes lleno de

We need to be careful on how we talk to others!

Today's Biblical Message

He who guards his lips guards his life, but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin.
Proverbs 13:3 NIV

Be careful and think twice! Before you
say something you will regret later.
David and Lucy Aguilar

May you and your loved ones have a very blessed Monday!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Forgiveness beings peace and good health to our lives!


 Bitterness brings nothing but misery and
 illnesses to our lives. We need to forgive
  one another, if we want our lives to be
      filled with peace, joy, and healing!
 David and Lucy Aguilar

La humildad tiene el poder para vencer toda arrogancia!

La reflexion para este dia

La arrogancia es un acto de ignorancia. En
cambio, la humildad es un acto de sabiduria.
David y Elizabeth Aguilar

Humilty has the power to overcome arrogance!

Today's reflection

Arrogance can only get you in trouble because
of its ignorance, while humility can lead you
to success because of its wisdom!
David Aguilar Jr.

Sin la Presencia de Jesucristo en nuestras vidas, sera imposible tener el amor y la humildad para servirle a los demas!

El mensaje biblico para el dia de hoy

Porque, ¿quién es más importante, el que está a la mesa o el que sirve? ¿No lo es el que está sentado a la mesa? Sin embargo, yo estoy entre ustedes como uno que sirve.
Lucas 22:27 NVI

Solamente si la Presencia de Jesucristo reyna en nuestras vidas,
recibiremos de El la humildad que necesitamos, para servirle
al prójimo con un verdadero amor y no hipocresia.
David Aguilar Jr.

Que ustedes y sus seres queridos, tengan un fin de semana lleno de bendiciones!

God is the only One who has the power to qualify us to serve Him!

Today's Biblical Message

Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed ear-
nestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land

for three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the
heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit.
JAMES 5:17-18

What a blessing to know that God alone is the
only One who can qualify us to serve Him.
But it will require commitment, prayer, and
most importantly availability.
David Aguilar Jr.

May you and your loved ones have a very blessed weekend!