Saturday, January 23, 2016

Motivation has the power to keep your going!


  Motivation is a driving force that
    gives us the perseverance to
  achieve great things. But only ,
    if we are willing  to use positively!
 David and Lucy Aguilar

No importa que no agradescan tu ayuda, continua haciendo el bien pues eso complace a Dios!

La reflexion para el dia de hoy

Que no te preoucupen las personas a las
haz ayudado y no han sabido agradecerte,
Puesto que tu ya hiciste lo correcto y ellos (as)
David y Lucy Aguilar

Don't worry about ungrateful people, and continue to do what is right for that pleases God!

Today's reflection

Don't worry about those you have helped and
are ungrateful. For you have done what is right,
and they have not.
 David and Lucy Aguilar

La sanacion viene solamete por medio de nuestro Senor Jesucristo, nuestro Grandioso Medico!

El mensaje biblico para el dia de hoy

SeΓ±or mi Dios, te pedΓ­ ayuda
y me sanaste.
Salmo 30:2 NVI

Los doctores no sanan enfermedades,
solamente ayudan a curarlas. La
sanacion la da Dios, por medio de su
Hijo Jesucristo!
David y Lucy Aguilar

Que ustedes y sus seres queridos, tengan un fin de semana
llena de muchas bendiciones!

Healing comes from God through His Son Jesus Christ our Great Physician!

Today's Biblical Message

O LORD my God, I called to
you for help
and you healed me.
Psalm 30:2 NVI

Doctors don't heal, they can only help
us to get better. It is God through His
Son, our Great physician Jesus Christ,
who does all the healing!
David and Lucy Aguilar

May you and your loved ones have a safe and a very blessed weekend!

Friday, January 22, 2016

Disponibilidad no abilidad es lo que requiere Dios, si queremos servirle a El y a los demas!

La reflexion para este dia

No podemos comprender el verdadero significado de
servirle a Dios, si no estamos disponibles para
servirle a El y a los demas!
  David y Elizabeth Aguilar

Availability not ability is require to serve God!

Today's reflection

We won't know the true meaning of serving God, until
we make ourselves available to serve Him and others!
David and Elizabeth Aguilar