Saturday, April 7, 2018

God is with us at all times!

Today's Biblical Message
If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the
far side of the sea, even there your hand will
guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.
Psalm 139:9-10 NIV
It is a comfort to know that God
is with us wherever we go!
David and Lucy Aguilar
May you and your loved ones have a safe and a very blessed weekend!

Necesitamos confiar siempre en Dios!

La Reflexion para este dia
La vida no esta basada en emociones,
sino confiando en el plan de Dios para
nuestras vidas!
David y Lucy Aguilar

live is about trusting God at all times!

Today's reflection
Life is not based on feelings,
it is about trusting God's plan
for our lives!
David and Lucy Aguilar

Friday, April 6, 2018

La ayuda de Dios esta siempre disponible!

El mensaje biblico para el dia de hoy
Dios es nuestro amparo y nuestra fortaleza,
nuestra ayuda segura en momentos de angustia.
Salmo 46:1 NVI
La ayuda de Dios esta siempre disponible, pero
claro; dependera en nosotros que se la pidamos!
David y Lucy Aguilar
Que ustedes y sus seres queridos, tengan un dia lleno de bendiciones!

God's help is always available!

Today's Biblical Message
God is a safe place to hide,
ready to help when we need Him.
Psalm 46:1
God's help is always available, it is
up to us to ask Him for help!
David and Lucy Aguilar
May you and your loved ones have a safe and a very blessed day!

We need to reflect and analyze our lives to make better decisions!

Today's reflection
Our lives will not have any rest,
unless we slow down and take
the time we need; to reflect and
analyze what changes we need
to make!
David and Lucy Aguilar

Necesitamos analizar nuestras vidas para vivirla mejor!

La reflexion para este dia
No se puede tener descanso en nuestras vidas,
sino tomamos el tiempo que necesitamos; para
reflexionar y analizar que cambios debemos
David y Lucy Aguilar