Thursday, April 26, 2018

None of us are perfect.

Today's Biblical Message
So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
John 8:7 KJV
Before we start judging others, we should look at
ourselves; for none of us are perfect we are all
David and Lucy Aguilar
May you and your loved ones have a safe and a very blessed day!

Necesitamos caminar con Dios si queremos progresar en la vida!

Mientras mas nos alejemos de Dios
todo lo que hagamos nos saldra mal.
Necesitamos acercarnos a El con
obediencia; si queremos progresar en la
David Aguilar Jr

We need to stay away from bad decisions if we want God to bless us with prosperity!

We will continue to make bad decisions
the longest we keep running away from
God's will, but we will succeed once we
follow with obedience where He leads!
David Aguilar Jr

La ambicion es toxica para nuestras vidas.

La reflexion para este dia
No seas ambicioso (a) .
Porque corres el riesgo; de
perderlo todo por nada!
David Aguilar Jr

Greed is bad for us !

Today's reflection
Greed causes people to
lose their happiness.
David and Lucy Aguilar

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

La fe y la esperanza tienen un poder maravilloso!

El mensaje biblico para el dia de hoy
Pero de una cosa estoy seguro:
he de ver la bondad del SeΓ±or
en esta tierra de los vivientes.
Pon tu esperanza en el SeΓ±or;
ten valor, cobra Γ‘nimo;
¡pon tu esperanza en el SeΓ±or!
Salmo 27:13-14
Pon tu fe y esperanza en Dios,
y El te dara lo mejor para
tu vida!
David y Lucy Aguilar
Que ustedes y sus seres queridos, tengan un dia
lleno de bendiciones!

Trust and faith are very powerful!

Today's Biblical Message
I know that I will live to see
the LORD'S Goodness in this
present life.
Trust in the LORD.
Have faith, do not despair.
Trust in the LORD.
Psalm 27:13-14
Trust and faith gives us
the very best from God!
David and Lucy Aguilar
May you and your loved ones have a safe and a very blessed day!