Tuesday, May 22, 2018

God knows exactly what I need!

Today's Biblical Message
The LORD is my Shepherd;
I have everything I need.
PSALM 23:1
The world wants to give me all that I
want, but I rather to receive from
God all that I really need!
David and Lucy Aguilar
May you and your loved ones have a safe and very blessed day!

Monday, May 21, 2018

Mantente positivo (a) y venceras todos tus problemas!

La reflexion para este dia
No dejes que los retos de la vida te venzan,
mantente positivo (a) y lograras salir adelante!
David y Lucy Aguilar

Stay positive and you willl overcome all negativity!

Today's reflection
Don't let life challenges defeat you,
stay positive and you will overcome
them all!
David and Lucy Aguilar

God can do wonders in our lives, we just need to believe!

Today's Biblical Message
God....is able to do far more than we would ever dare to
ask or even dream of --infinitely beyond our highest
prayers, desires thoughts, or hopes.
Ephesians 3:20 TLB
Trusting in God gives us the hope we need to
receive not what we want, but even more than
we could ask or imagine!
David and Lucy Aguilar
May you and your loved ones have a safe and a very blessed Monday!

Dios puede hacer maravillas en nuestras vidas, pero necesitamos creer!

El mensaje biblico para el dia de hoy
Al que puede hacer muchΓ­simo mΓ‘s que todo lo que podamos imaginarnos o pedir, por el poder que obra eficazmente en nosotros.
Efecios 3:20
El confiar en Dios nos da la esperanza de recibir no
necesariamente lo que queremos, sino mas de lo que
podemos imaginarnos!
David y Lucy Aguilar
Que ustedes y sus seres queridos tengan un Lunes lleno de bendiciones!