Saturday, June 22, 2019

We need to be happy with everything God is given us!!!

Today's Biblical Message What profit would people show if they were to gain the whole world but suffer the loss of their soul. MATTHEW 16:26 Materials can only bring emptiness and misery to our lives. David and Lucy Aguilar May you and your loved ones have a safe and a happy weekend!

Necestitamos estar felices con todo lo que tenemos!!!

El mensaje bíblico para el día de hoy Porque que aprovechara al hombre si ganase todo el mundo, y perdiera su alma. San Mateo 16:26 No te enfoques en lo material, porque corres el riesgo de vivir una vida vacía y llena de miseria. David y Lucy Aguilar Que ustedes y sus seres queridos, tengan un fin de semana lleno de bendiciones!!!

Necesitamos perdonarnos los unos a los otros para poder vivir felices!!!!!!!!!!

La reflexión para este día El rencor y el odio trae a nuestras vidas miseria y enfermedades. Necesitamos perdonarnos los unos a los otros; si queremos vivir con tranquilidad y buena salud! David y Lucy Aguilar

Forgiveness is a healing to our bodies and minds!!!

Today's reflection Bitterness brings misery and illnesses to our lives, we need to forgive one another; if we want to have peace and good health! David and Lucy Aguilar

Friday, June 21, 2019

Tu familia es una prioridad!!!

La reflexión para este día No dejes que las distracciones y el materialismo de este mundo, te quiten el tiempo que necesitas para disfrutar de tu vida y la de tus seres queridos! David y Lucy Aguilar

Make your family a priority!

Today's reflection Don't let the distractions and materialism of this world; take away the time you need to enjoy your life and your family! David and Lucy Aguilar

To God belongs all honor praise and Glory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today´s Biblical Message Like good servants of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gifts each of you has received. 1 PETER 4:10 NRSV God has given us spiritual gifts and natural talents to help one another. They are not given to us to praise ourselves, but to glorify Him! David and Lucy Aguilar May you and your loved ones have a safe and a very blessed day!