Monday, December 23, 2019

La avaricia y la corrupcion son malas para nuestras vidas.

La reflexión para este día La avaricia y la corrupción son destructivas. Necesitamos dejar de ser egoístas; y ayudarnos los unos a los otros! David y Lucy Aguilar

Greed and corruption are bad for us.

Toda's reflection Greed and corruption are destructive. We need to focus on how to help one another; instead of being selfish. David and Lucy Aguilar

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Los verdaderos cristianos se aman el uno al otro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reflexión Los verdaderos cristianos ya sean católicos o protestantes, son aquellos que se aman y respetan el uno al otro; sin importar sus diferencias. David y Lucy Aguilar

True Christians love one another!!!!!

Reflection True Christians whether Catholics or protestants, are those who love one another; regardless of their differences. David and Lucy Aguilar

La humildad viene de Dios!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

La reflexión para este día La humildad nos da la sabiduría que necesitamos, para tratar a los demás con respeto y dignidad! David y Lucy Aguilar

Humility comes from God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today's reflection Humility gives us the wisdom we need; to treat others with respect and dignity! David and Lucy Aguilar

God loves everyone the same!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today's Biblical Message For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; the same LORD is the LORD of all and is generous to all who call on Him. ROMANS 10:12 NRSV It doesn't matter what Christian denomination we may belong to, God loves everyone the same! David and Lucy Aguilar May you and your loved ones have a safe and very blessed weekend!!!