Today's reflection
The best things don't come to our lives
when we want them. They come precisely,
at the time we need them!
David and Lucy Aguilar
Today's reflection
The best things don't come to our lives
when we want them. They come precisely,
at the time we need them!
David and Lucy Aguilar
Today's reflection
Don't ever give up; there will always be a reason
for you to move forward.
David and Lucy Aguilar
El mensaje bíblico para el día de hoy
Today's Biblical Message
The LORD is not slow in keeping His
promise, as some understand slowness.
He is patient with you, not wanting
anyone to perish, but everyone to come
to repentance.
God may take His time to answer our
prayers, but He is never late. His time
is always perfect!
David and Lucy Aguilar
May you and your family have a safe and very blessed weekend!
El mensaje bíblico para el día de hoy
Cristo nos libertó para que vivamos en libertad. Por lo tanto, manténganse firmes. Galatas 5:1 NVI La verdadera libertad no viene por medio del mundo y sus promesas, sino por medio de la preciosa sangre; que Jesucristo derramo para salvarnos. David y Lucy Aguilar Que ustedes y sus familias, tengan un día lleno de bendiciones!