Today's reflection
A true friend appreciates you
for who you are, and not for
what you have.
David and Lucy Aguilar
Today's reflection
A true friend appreciates you
for who you are, and not for
what you have.
David and Lucy Aguilar
Today's Biblical Message
As Jesus and His disciples went on
their way, He came to a village where
a woman named Martha welcomed Him
in her home. She had a sister named
Mary, who sat down at the feet of the
LORD and listen to His teaching. Martha
was upset over all the work she had to do,
so she came and said," LORD, don't you
care that my sister has left me to do all the
work by myself? Tell her to come and
help me!"
Luke 10:38-39-40
Most of us can relate to Martha; we worry about many things. Instead,
we must follow Mary's example and fix our eyes on Jesus Christ and not on the pressures of this world.
David and Lucy Aguilar
May you and your family have a safe and very blessed day!
La reflexión para este día
¡Una vez que reconozcas que todo lo que quieres, no es en realidad lo que necesitas, tu vida finalmente se llenara de satisfacción! David y Lucy AguilarToday's reflection
Once you realize that what
you want doesn't make you
happy, your life will find
contentment with what you have!
David and Lucy Aguilar