Monday, January 9, 2023

God is the only one who can change our lives for the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Today's Biblical Message

They knew only what others were saying:"The
man who used to persecute us is now preaching
the faith that he once tried to destroy!" And so
they praised God because of me.
Galatians 1:23-24
We can't change people, but we can pray for
them and ask God to change them. For He is
the only one who has the power to change
David and Lucy Aguilar

With out God we can't have peace and success.

 Today's reflection

Rock bottom is inevitable for those

who think; that they don't need God

   in their lives.

David and Lucy Aguilar

Friday, January 6, 2023

God's Divine Pretection is sufficient to keep me safeπŸ™

 Today's Biblical Message

In my distress I called to the Lord;

    he answered me and set me free.

The Lord is with me, I will not be afraid;

    what can anyone do to me?

Psalm 118: 5-6  GNT 

With God at your side there is no need

 to fear any one.

David and Lucy Aguilar 


La Divina ProtecciΓ³n De Dios es Suprema y OmnipotenteπŸ™

 El mensaje bΓ­blico para el dΓ­a de hoy

 Desde mi angustia clamΓ© al SeΓ±or,     y Γ©l respondiΓ³ dΓ‘ndome libertad.  El SeΓ±or estΓ‘ conmigo, y no tengo miedo; ¿quΓ© me puede hacer un simple mortal? 

Salmos 118:5-6 NVI

 Si tienes a Dios como tu protector, 

 no tienes por quΓ© temerle a nadie.

 David y Lucy Aguilar 

Bendiciones πŸ™

God wants the best for usπŸ™

 Today's reflection

 God did not create us to be losers, He 

wants us all to be winners! But it will be up to us to do our part.

David and Lucy Aguilar

Con Dios a nuestro lado, la Victoria es segura!!!!!!!!

 La reflexion para este dia

 Dios no nos hizo para que seamos perdedores, sino para que todos seamos ganadores! Pero claro, se va ha requirir que pongamos de nuestra parte.

 David y Lucy Aguilar

Thursday, January 5, 2023

La gente mal agradecida, tiene muchisimo que perder, por no saber agradecer a quienes los ayudan.

 La reflexiΓ³n para este dΓ­a

Que no te preocupen todas aquellas personas
mal agradecidas (os) son ellos (as) y no tΓΊ,
los (as) que salen perdiendo.
David y Lucy Aguilar