Friday, January 20, 2023

We need God Father, God Son, and God Holy Spirit!!!!!!! In our lives in order to be hapy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Today's reflection

Not material priorities; we need spiritual priorities
if we want our lives to have peace and be happy!
David and Lucy Aguilar

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Todos necesitamos ayuda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 La reflexión para este día

Es una ignorancia, pensar que
no necesitamos la ayuda de nadie.
En esta vida, todos necesitamos
de todos.
David y Lucy Aguilar

we all need help!

 Today's reflection

It is not wise to think that we
are self-sufficient, for there is
not such a thing; we all need
one another's help!
David and Lucy Aguilar

El tiempo es perfecto para nuestras vidas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 El mensaje bíblico para el día de hoy

Ahora bien, sabemos que Dios dispone todas las
cosas para el bien de quienes lo aman, los que
han sido llamados de acuerdo con su propósito.
En el tiempo perfecto de Dios, recibiremos de Él,
todo lo que en realidad necesitamos,
David y Lucy Aguilar

God is never late He is always on time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today's Biblical Message
We know that in all things God works for good with those who love him,[a] those whom he has called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28 GNT
We need to be still and let God take care of our needs. For not in
our time, but in His perfect time; we will receive the best from Him!
David and Lucy Aguilar

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

We need to learn from our mistakes and move forward!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Today's reflection

 There is no one to blame for our mistakes.

  We need to learn from them and move


 David and Lucy Aguilar

Hay que aprender de nuestros errores, y seguir adelante!!!!!!!!

 La reflexión para este día

No podemos culpar a nadie, por nuestros errores. Necesitamos aprender de ellos, y seguir adelante! David y Lucy Aguilar