Thursday, February 9, 2023

God knows what is best for us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Today's Biblical Message

For as the heavens are higher than the
earth, so are my ways higher than your
ways, and my thoughts than
your thoughts
Isaiah 55:9 NIV
God's ways and plans are greater than
ours, we need to be patient and put
our Faith and Trust in Him!
David and Lucy Aguilar

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

God will judge each one of us according to our actions .

 Today's Biblical Message

For God will bring every deed into judgment,

including every hidden thing,

whether it is good or evil.

Ecclesiastes 12:14 NVI

God sees everything, whether it is good or bad, and will judge  each one of us according to our actions.

David and Lucy Aguilar

May you and your family have a safe and a very

blessed day!

Dios nos juzgara, de acuerdo a nuestras acciones .

 El mensaje bíblico para el día de hoy

Pues Dios juzgará toda obra, buena o mala, aun la realizada en secreto. 

Eclesiastes 12:14 NVI

 Dios mira todo lo que hacemos en esta tierra, ya sea bueno o malo, y al final de nuestra jornada en este mundo;

 nos juzgara a cada uno de nosotros de acuerdo a nuestras acciones.

David y Lucy Aguilar 


We can not lie to God, He knows everything !!!!!!!!!!

 Today's reflection

We can lie to one another even

to ourselves but never to God; He

knows and sees everything we do.

David and Lucy Aguilar

Dios lo sabe absolutamente todo!!!!!!!!

 La reflexión para este día

¡Podemos engañar a los demás,

inclusive a nosotros mismos; pero

nunca a Dios!

David y Lucy Aguilar

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Con Dios Padre, Dios Hijo, y Dios Espíritu Santo!!!!!!!!!! Estamos bien protegidos🙏

 El mensaje bíblico para el día de hoy

Así que no temas, porque yo estoy contigo;

    no te angusties, porque yo soy tu Dios.

Te fortaleceré y te ayudaré;

    te sostendré con mi diestra victoriosa.

Isaias 41:10 NVI

Si Dios Padre, Dios Hijo, y Dios Espíritu Santo están contigo ; no tienes porque temerle a nada ni a nadie.

David y Lucy Aguilar 

Bendiciones !

With God Father, God Son, and God Holy Spirit!!!!!!!!!!!! We are safe🙏

  Today's Biblical Message

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

Isaiah 41:10

With God Father, God Son, and God Holy Spirit on your side; you have nothing and no one to fear.

David and Lucy Aguilar 

Blessings !