Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Debemos estar agradecidos con Dios, por todas las bendiciones que nos da!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


En igual de quejarnos de todo, debemos darle gracias a Dios; por todo lo que tenemos. David y Lucy Aguilar

We need to thank God in Jesus Christ Mighty Name for everything we have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Instead of complaining about everything, we need
to be thankful to God; for everything we have!
David and Lucy Aguilar

There is only one Savior for us all Christians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Today's Biblical Message

Christ has been divided into
groups! Was it Paul who died on
the cross for you? Were you bap-
tized as Paul's disciples?
It doesn't matter if you are a Christian Catholic or a Christian Protestant; there is only one Savior, Jesus Christ, for us all! Instead of dividing ourselves because of our differences, we need to unite in His love!
David and Lucy Aguilar

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

We need to think twice before making decisions .

 Today's reflection 

Poor decisions have consequences, we need to think twice before we make them.

David and Lucy Aguilar

Reverence to God gives us wisdom🙏

 Today's Biblical Message

The fear of the LORD is the beginning

of wisdom, and the knowledge

of the Holy One is understanding.

Proverbs 9:10

Reverence to God gives us the wisdom

we need; to live a wise life!

David and Lucy Aguilar


El respeto a Dios nos da sabiduría 🙏

 Mensaje bíblico para el día de hoy

El comienzo de la sabiduría es el temor del Señor; conocer al Santo es tener discernimiento.

 Proverbios 9:10 NVI

Una vez que aprendamos a darle a Dios el respeto que se merece, recibiremos de Él la sabiduría que necesitamos; para tomar buenas decisiones.

David y Lucy Aguilar 


Necesitamos pensar dos veces, antes de tomar decisiones !

 La reflexión para este día

Las malas decisiones tienen sus consecuencias, necesitamos pensar dos veces antes de hacerlas.

David y Lucia Aguilar

Saludos y bendiciones🙏