Friday, June 23, 2023

God is the only one who can give us true happiness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Today's reflection

The true riches of a human being is not money and luxuries,
but having God's Presence and good health!
David and Lucy Aguilar

Dios es Maravilloso, y nos da la felicidad que necesitamos.

La reflexión para este día
La verdadera riqueza del ser humano, no son el dinero ni los lujos,
sino tener la Presencia de Dios y buena salud.
David y Lucy Aguilar

Thursday, June 22, 2023

La vanidad es tóxica para nuestras vidas.

 El mensaje bíblico para el día de hoy

Porque que aprovechara al hombre si

ganase todo el mundo, y perdiera su


San Mateo 16:26 

La vanidad, solo trae vacío y miseria a nuestras vidas.

David y Lucy Aguilar 

Bendiciones 🙏

La Fe tiene un Poder Divino, y Maravilloso🙏

 La reflexión para este día

Sin fe nuestras vidas son débiles. Necesitamos tener Fe; para vencer todas nuestras dudas y temores.

David y Lucy Aguilar

Vanity is very harmful to our lives.

 Today's Biblical Message

What profit would people show if

they were to gain the whole world

but suffer the loss of their soul.


Vanity brings emptiness 

and misery to our lives.

David and Lucy Aguilar 

Blessings 🙏

Faith has Mighty Divine Power🙏

 Today's reflection

Without faith, our lives are weak; we need it

  to overcome our fears and doubts.

David and Lucy Aguilar

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Make sure to enjoy your family!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Today's reflection

Don't let the distractions and the material things of
this world, take away the time you need to enjoy your life
and your family!
David and Lucy Aguilar