Monday, August 28, 2023

God through His Son Jesus Christ our Good Shepherd will provide for us everything we needπŸ™

Today's Biblical Message

Look at the birds: they do not plant seeds,
gather a harvest and put it in barns; yet
your Father in heaven takes care of them!
Aren't you worth much more than birds?

You can trust God right now to
provide all your needs!
David and Lucy Aguilar 

Blessings πŸ™

Friday, August 25, 2023

Confiar en Dios con Fe, nos da muchiso mas de lo que podamos imaginarnos!!!!!!!!!!!!

 El mensaje bΓ­blico para el dΓ­a de hoy

Al que puede hacer muchΓ­simo mΓ‘s que todo lo que podamos imaginarnos o pedir,
por el poder que obra eficazmente en nosotros.
Efesios 3:20
El confiar en Dios con Fe, es la clave para
recibir de Γ‰l; mΓ‘s de lo que podamos imaginarnos.
David y Lucy Aguilar

The Mighty Divine Power of God Father, God Son, and God Holy Spirit is Supreme and Omnipotent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Today's Biblical Message

 To him who by means of his power working in us is able to do so much more than we can ever ask for, or even think of: to God be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus for all time, forever and ever! Amen.

Ephesians 3:20-21 GNT

Trusting in God with faith is the key to receiving

from Him more than we could ever ask or imagine!

David and Lucy Aguilar


El Poder de la Fe es Divina y Maravillosa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 La reflexiΓ³n para este dΓ­a

No con estrΓ©s, si no con Fe
lograremos vencer; todas
nuestras dudas y temores.
David y Lucy Aguilar

Faith is Mighty and Divine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Today's reflection

Not through stress but with Faith
alone; you can overcome your biggest
fears and doubts.
David Aguilar Jr and David Aguilar III

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Forgiveness is the key to have peace and joyπŸ™

 Today's Biblical Message

And forgive us the wrong we have

done as we forgive those who

wrong us.

Matthew 6:12

Forgiving each other allows us to live with true peace and joy!

David and Lucy Aguilar

Blessings πŸ™

Real Christian's love God and othersπŸ™❤️

 Today's reflection

Our behavior toward others

determines if we really love

God; or we are hypocrites 

David and Lucy Aguilar