Monday, April 29, 2024

Every problem has a solution .

 Today's reflection 

It doesn't matter how many problems your life may be facing at this very moment; don't forget, that there will always be a solution to each one of them.

David and Lucy Aguilar

God hears and answers our prayers , according to His perfect willπŸ™

 Today's Biblical Message

I love the LORD because He hears my prayers and answers them.

Psalm 116:1 TLB

God answers our prayers according

to His Mighty and Divine Will!

David and Lucy Aguilar


Dios escucha y contesta nuestras oraciones, de acuerdo a Su perfecta voluntad πŸ™

 El mensaje bΓ­blico para el dΓ­a de hoy

Amo al SeΓ±or porque escucha mi voz

y mi oraciΓ³n que pide misericordia.

Salmo 116:1 NTV

Dios escucha nuestras oraciones, y las contesta; de acuerdo a su Divina  

y Perfecta  Voluntad.

David y Lucy Aguilar 

Bendiciones para toda la familiaπŸ™

Todo problema tiene soluciΓ³n .

 La reflexiΓ³n para este dΓ­a 

No importa, que tantos problemas estΓ©s enfrentando en este momento; recuerda que cada uno de ellos tiene soluciΓ³n .

David y Lucy Aguilar

Friday, April 26, 2024

Prayer is Divene and PowerfulπŸ™

 Today's Biblical Message

I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me;

    he freed me from all my fears.

Psalm 34-4 GNT

Prayer has the Divine Power to deliver us from our fears and bless us with peaceπŸ™

David and Lucy Aguilar 


Faith has Divine PowerπŸ™

 Today reflection 

Faith gives us the confidence and courage to overcome the impossible .

David and Lucy Aguilar

Blessings to you and your familyπŸ™

La Fe tiene un Poder MaravillosoπŸ™

 La reflexiΓ³n para este dΓ­a 

La Fe nos da la confidencia y el valor que necesitamos, para superar lo imposible .

David y Lucy Aguilar 
