Monday, July 8, 2024

Jesus Christ has all the solutions to our problems 馃檹

 Today's reflection

Life storms require strong faith, but most importantly it does require; that our eyes be fixed on Jesus Christ and not on our problems.

David and Elizabeth Aguilar

Blessings to you and your family馃檹

God loves everyone the same馃檹

 Today's Biblical Message

For God judges everyone by

the same standard.


God doesn't play favoritism as we humans do. He looks at our hearts! And not at our outward appearance.

David and Lucy Aguilar


Jesucristo tiene la soluci贸n para solucionar nuestros problemas馃檹

 La reflexi贸n para este d铆a

 Las tormentas de la vida requieren fe, pero m谩s que todo requieren que pongamos nuestros ojos en Jesucristo; y no en nuestros problemas.

 David y Elizabeth Aguilar

Saludos y bendiciones馃檹

Dios nos quiere a todos por igual馃檹

 El mensaje b铆blico para el d铆a de hoy

Porque con Dios no hay favoritismos.

 Romanos 2:11 NVI

Dios no juega con favoritismos, 脡l mira a nuestros corazones, y no a nuestras apariencias exteriores.

 David y Lucy Aguilar


Friday, July 5, 2024

Once we acknowledge that God is in control of our lives, He will bless us with the best out of His best 馃檹馃檹馃檹馃檹馃檹馃檹馃檹

 Today's Biblical Message

God says, "I will save those who love me and will protect those who acknowledge me as Lord.

Psalm 91:14 GNT

Once we acknowledge that God is in control of our lives and needs, He will bless us with safety and everything we need!

David and Lucy Aguilar

Blessings to you and your family馃檹

Accepting correction is good for our lives.

 Today's reflection

Accepting correction from others gives us wisdom! For no one is perfect we all make mistakes.

David and Lucy Aguilar


Aceptar correcci贸n es bueno para nuestras vidas.

 La reflexi贸n para este d铆a

Aceptar que se nos corrija nos da sabidur铆a.

Porque es un hecho, que no somos perfectos; todos cometemos errores.

David y Lucy Aguilar

Saludos y bendiciones馃檹