Today's reflection
Envy and jealousy cause bitterness and unhappiness. We need to open our hearts to God and ask Him to fill us with His love; so that we can be happy and love one another!
David and Lucy Aguilar
Blessings π
Today's reflection
Envy and jealousy cause bitterness and unhappiness. We need to open our hearts to God and ask Him to fill us with His love; so that we can be happy and love one another!
David and Lucy Aguilar
Blessings π
Today's Biblical Message
[He] is able to do exceedingly abundantly
above all that we ask or think.
Ephesians 3:20
God's provision is far beyond our imagination His help always comes at the right time!
David and Lucy Aguilar
Blessings π
La reflexiΓ³n para este dΓa
Cuando nos dejamos llevar por nuestras emociones, nos llenamos de estrΓ©s y ansiedad.
En cambio, cuando nos dejamos llevar por nuestra Fe, vencemos nuestros temores; con tranquilidad y fortaleza.
David y Lucy Aguilar
Bendiciones π
El mensaje bΓblico para el dΓa de hoy
Ahora bien, la fe es la garantΓa de lo que se espera, la certeza de lo que no se ve.
Hebreos 11:1 NVI
La Fe nos da fortaleza para seguir adelante, y especialmente para confiar; en el Plan Divino de Dios.
David y Lucy Aguilar
Bendiciones π
Today's reflection
Don't be driven by your feelings, for they will fill your life with fears and stress. Instead, be driven by your Faith; and you will overcome all your fears and doubts.
David and Lucy Aguilar
Blessings π
Today's Biblical Message
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Faith gives us the strength to keep going forward, but most importantly to trust God's Divine plan!
David and Lucy Aguilar
Blessings to you and your family π
La reflexiΓ³n para este dΓa
Este dΓa y todos los dΓas, vive con la seguridad; de que con Jesucristo todo es posible.
David y Lucy Aguilar
Bendiciones π